Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What a day! Seemed like Monday all over again. I think stress is a big factor in why I eat the way I do. I really wish I could let things just pass by me without me fretting about them. Oh well...such is my life.

I really had to make myself go to the gym tonight. Kept thinking I would rather be on facebook doing my farming, trying to stand up straight on monkey world, or playing with all the other vampires on vampire world. Hell fishing even sounded better.

Once I got there I knew that I had done the right thing. I walked right up to Mr. Elliptical and said I'm going to conquer you if it's the last thing I ever do. May take me a year or two, but it's a goal.

I got on the elliptical and did the weight loss program for 15 minutes. Actually it wasn't too awful. Keep hoping that it will build up my ass. I have Mama's ass all over. hehehe

I then went to the treadmill and did the aerobics program. Did that for 30 minutes. Wasn't too bad either.

All in all I really felt good when I was done.

I came home and took my blood sugar and it was 100 (hit my goal). I took my blood pressure and it was 128/78 (hit my goal).

Felt like I did pretty good with my eating today. I had oatmeal for breakfast. I had a lean cuisine (you know they aren't that big either), 100 calorie peanut butter cracker, sugar free pudding, and an apple. For dinner, I had a serving of meatloaf, steamed veggies and a teeny tiny spoonful of potatoes. Dessert was 2 sugar free chocolate popsicles (2 pts on weight watchers).

So it's off to bed for dreams of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravey, and Johnell's chocolate meringue pie (DAMN).

I know I'm torturing myself!

Good night!


  1. YEAH....you're torturing ME TOO....I'm ready to fall asleep and here I am on here catching up on all my blog reading and I read abt this YUMMY food on here!! WHUT THE "H"...?????.... Now I'm hungry and I'm going to go get me a pop-tart..NOT GOOD, since I am TRYING to train for the half marathon...you canNOT be posting stuff like this. Let's get back to talking to Mr. Elliptical and Mrs. Treadmill...OK????????!

    You're doing FABULOUS.....they always say....the FIRST STEP is the way to start....no turning back! So here's to my FIRST STEP towards my kitchen....thanks bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XOXOOXOXOO

  2. so so proud of you!!! Just like monkey world, just keep putting one foot in front of the other, and soon you'll be walking out the door (wait that's the abomnible snowman) oh well....you know what i mean. Keep on brother, you are on the right path :)
